In Spain, the FOLM project started in March 2019. For 12 months, that is until March 2020, 11 expeditions of Outdoor Learning were organized, which were attended by 101 young people.
After a winter break, full of enthusiasm, we began to assemble groups for March and April camps. In March we planned 2 camps, in April 3 camps. We had to cancel them all because of the restrictions in force.
Ireland is in level 5 lockdown (highest levels of restrictions) until the 5thApril 2021. After this it will be reviewed. However, it is likely there will not be any significant movement allowed until May at the very earliest.
We have recently held a webinar about FOLM organized by the Territorial Development Association Campoo Los Valles. The purpose of this virtual meeting was to inform about the purpose of the Project, as well as its different phases and how to participate in it.