Webinar in Cantabria

News Wednesday, 31 March 2021 10:00

We have recently held a webinar about FOLM organized by the Territorial Development Association Campoo Los Valles. The purpose of this virtual meeting was to inform about the purpose of the Project, as well as its different phases and how to participate in it.

The meeting was attended by different educational entities and social agents from the southern area of Cantabria. Two FOLM traniers from Spain also attended the meeting where they shared their experiences during the expeditions in which they have participated.

The main interest of the attendees was to know the necessary requirements to participate in FOLM. They were also curious about the contents that were developed during the coaching and mentoring phases.

Furthermore, in order to promote this webinar, Fernando Carregal, Director of expeditions in Cantabria, was interviwed in Radio Merindad de Campoo, a local radio station were he invited all the people interested in FOLM to attend the virtual meeting and pointed out that “it is a very interesting and useful program for young people, but sometimes they need the support or encouragement of older people who are at their side, parents, relatives, teachers and others”.

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