Restrictions in Ireland

News Thursday, 01 April 2021 10:24

Ireland is in level 5 lockdown (highest levels of restrictions) until the 5thApril 2021. After this it will be reviewed. However, it is likely there will not be any significant movement allowed until May at the very earliest.

FOLM project partners from Ireland postponed FOLM groups twice this year, 2021, due to Covid-19 government restrictions. First in January and now in March. In 2020, LIT had planned to deliver 18 groups pre-Covid-19, however, due to changing lockdown restrictions (often with limited advanced warning), we were only able to achieve 5 groups.

Covid-19 continues to have a significant impact on Irish partners' plans and project implementation in 2021.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions all travel is restricted to 5km of your home, unless for essential work. Hence participants, their agencies and LIT cannot meet face to face. The main problem is agreeing on expedition dates, because partners don't quite know when the government will revoke all restrictions. The only activity we can undertake at this time is to inform and promote the FOLM project on social channels, with the hope that the programme can be resumed in Ireland in the near future.

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