News Tuesday, 08 October 2019 07:35

Ola Sinkiewicz found out about FOLM project from a friend. ­­“We had a variety of group and individual exercises every day. They ranged from learning how to ignite the fire, use the map and the compass and find yourself in the field, to exercises that helped us with teamwork abilities. It helped me to look at my life from different perspective and made me realize that in spite of what I am thinking about myself, it is not so bad.

I recommend participation in FOLM project to everyone. All you need to experience something new is the right mindset and you will not be disappointed. However, you need to embrace the climate and open yourself for the dialog because it is really worth it!”

Kajetan Kaperzyński felt that this is a wonderful occasion to change something in his life, work on himself and get to know interesting people. “Activities that I liked the most were those where I could take the responsibility and be in charge of the group. Of course, those were just exercises and nobody was held accountable for the errors because during the project we have the right to make them. I think that such experiences help us with believing in ourselves and taking responsibility for our actions. I became more brave, confident and open towards other people. I recommend the participation in the project to young people who want to change something in their lives, become more competent and develop themselves internally”

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