Azimuth for adventure

News Thursday, 25 June 2020 10:54

They assembled the equipment, packed backpacks, and even took the music equipment. This year's first group of the FOLM project - "From nature to the labor market", on Thursday, June 18, opened the season of expeditions to the Łańskie Forests in Varmia and Mazuria.

Ten participants, four trainers and one animal. Nya Sheepdog is a therapeutic dog that makes its debut in the FOLM project. On Thursday, June the 18th, he went to the forest with the first group this year. After a long break in expeditions, caused by a pandemic, we set off at full speed. Departures to the beautiful Łańskie Forest will take place 2-3 times a month until late autumn, but on slightly changed rules. Additional, obligatory equipment of participants are masks, disposable gloves and liters of disinfectant liquid.

- The forest is a zone free from viruses and everyday problems. We are convinced that after months spent at home, contact with nature will taste even better - ensures Dorota Wardyn, coordinator of the FOLM project, whose partner is the Food Bank in Olsztyn. - However, in order not to endanger the health of project participants, we will keep all sanitary safety requirements in force during the epidemic. Both during transport to the forest and during a week trip.

After a 7-day exciting adventure in the open air under the watchful eye of trainers, participants will experience individual work with a coach that will help build their own life path and mobilize them to action. The final stage of the project is access to an innovative internet platform gathering business representatives. Through it, they will recruit employees from among the participants of the FOLM project, which can be the inhabitants of the Varmia and Mazuria and Podlasie provinces.

- For now 40 people have participated in the project in Varmia and Mazuria, almost all of them hit the labor market or continue their education - assures Marek Borowski, president of Food Bank in Olsztyn, partner of the FOLM project. - The best recommendation for the project is the fact, that many of its participants return during subsequent editions of the expeditions as volunteers, supporting and motivating "new" ones.


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