FOLM-ILY: Evening of Celebration

News Friday, 25 February 2022 10:08

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the last online meeting of trainers, coaches and mentors was held on 23 February. The event was organised by Venture Trust and the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Jule Hildmann, PhD from the University of Edinburgh, one of the expert partners in the Outdoor Learning methodology implemented in the FOLM project, presented the results of the research carried out during the 3 years in which the project has been implemented. They are the outcome of a study and analysis of the evolution of the young people during their participation in the FOLM project, which comprises a first phase of outdoor learning, a second phase of Coaching and a third phase of Mentoring managed by expert staff.

The opportunity was also taken to thank all the staff involved in the project, and especially the trainers, coaches and mentors from Ireland, Poland and Spain, for their involvement and dedication during these years of work and fruitful collaboration within the FOLM project.

Simon White, Venture Trust's Operations Director and the person responsible for the training of FOLM trainers, personally thanked all those attending the event for their involvement in the project. Afterwards, he gave the floor to those responsible for the different phases of the project in each of the regions where the project has been implemented to give a final assessment of the project.

Finally, several testimonies from trainers, coaches and mentors were shared.

The event was a very emotional one in which all the participants expressed their willingness and desire to continue working and collaborating in future projects that incorporate this innovative Outdoor Learning methodology.

FOLM ends with a success rate of over 80% and has allowed us to weave a great human network that we hope to continue weaving in the future. See you soon!



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FOLM-ILY Portraitthank you poster

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