Take part in an amazing adventure that will help you increase your self-confidence and find the right professional path. It's absolutely free of charge!
You are finishing your education, or maybe you have interrupted it, started working and you don't feel like it's something you want to do in your life. Are you wondering about your next move?
Are you looking for an idea for the future?
Do you live in Cantabria?
Are you 18-29 years old?
If so, we have something for you!

Join the project "From outdoors to labour market" (FOLM)!
What you can experience:
- Exciting, one-week-long expedition with all the equipment included (food, clothing, gear)
- Individual meetings with coaches
- Contacts with employers
- Participation in creating a creative and friendly FOLM community.
FOLM participants share their opinions about the project:
"I started this adventure precisely for that reason, for being an adventure, one more for the pocket of all that I have lived, and to meet new people. What I didn't know was that this was going to be one of the best adventures of my life, not one more, and those people, were placed among the best friends for life.
FOLM has taught me not to go with the preconceived notion that everyone is against me. FOLM has also helped me to acquire new socializing skills that I did not have, since before I always related in my own way. And it has helped me see that all people are more alike than they seem. Also, they have guided me on how to find stable work related to my tastes. And the treatment was super nice. I recommend everyone to experience this adventure." Abel.
"I was part of the 9 who dared to be the First group of FOLM in Cantabria. I was 2 months away from finishing my degree and I was overwhelmed at being at a point in my life that was all doubts. I didn't know what I would get out of this but 7 days offline in the mountains with 11 complete strangers sounded like something I needed. The sensation of sleeping alone in a tent in the outdoors, of carrying in a backpack everything you will need in a week, of breathing fresh air and just seeing mountains and nature around you, of opening up so much with people who do one day you did not know, to help and let yourself be helped by your group, to become a bit wild and to feel invincible the day you reach the top. That is what I lived and living something like that makes you improve yourself and show that you are capable of everything, you just must dare." Carlota.
"It was crazy such a crazy week! We did things that for many people are strange, such as going with a group of unknown people to a project that is constantly coexisting and not knowing anybody.
The experience is totally unrepeatable for a multitude of things that are grouped in the project and I think that if I had not gone, I would have missed an exceptional experience. I went with expectations and thanks to you I exceeded them ... although I also think a lot about you and how important you are and will always be for the opportunity you gave me to see things differently, such as seeing the good things within the evil ones. I hope that the following participants can value the project as you really deserve." Adrián.
"The truth is that it was an exciting experience, since I was able to meet other people from Cantabria in my same situation. This was one of the reasons why I was encouraged to participate in this expedition.
I currently live in Cantabria for a short time and I needed to meet people. Knowing them was one of the best things that has happened to me, since through them I have been able to know myself even better, and what is more important. On the way back, I came more positive with more desire and more light. I had a lot of insecurities and it's not that all of them are gone, but now I know a little better how to deal with them. In my case I am afraid of heights, and at all times I was sheltered by the group, they offered me their hand when I did not dare to take another step and this was something very important to me because due to a bad personal experience I had lost a little trust in people, but they reminded me that not everything is black and white and that there is always light in all darkness.
This was my experience it is true that at first instance you might think that it is not related to the world of work, but if you think about it, looking for a job for yourself is a task that involves many aspects: optimism, perseverance, improvement and you can make a resemblance to what it means to climb a mountain. The first few days I have to confess that I believed that I would not be able to do it, but as my fears were unleashed I felt more secure and stronger. I hope you can find this meaning in this experience too!" Inés.
"When I entered in the FOLM building, I heard the explaining and saw the group, the truth is I thought I cut no ice there, that I had poorly chosen. Days after the first meeting I had serious doubts about what could I do inside the project, but I was determined to participate, because I had no more things to do than look for a job and the project would help me with that issue. Finally, the experience was not weird, and I didn't feel displaced at all, every participant was more or less in the same situation and trainers knew how to deal with it from the first moment. The Outdoors phase helped me to understand that when you're doing what you enjoy, you don't need a very comfortable life, and the coaching helped me to bear in mind the practical details of the decision I made. After this, I decided with no fear to go abroad to do whatever kind of work, improve my English, my background and, during that time, apply to works I like. At the moment, I’m working in Galway improving my English and applying to online projects that could be an interesting future chance. FOLM's been a good orientative experience and there's nothing to lose participating. I recommend it." Alejo.
"At first, I was nervous, when I arrived I had a lot of doubts running in my head but as I was meeting my partners and coaches all of that was vanishing. It was a marvelous experience and I never thought it would have been like that. I was surprised by the fellowship of my partners. For me, the hardest part was climbing the mountain but I knew I had partners that had my back even though they didn’t know me. It was obvious that the trainers love their job and they give more than they are asked to and that shows how good people they are. They were always caring and we could rely on them. Also the dynamics were pretty fun to do and entertaining.
Learning how to cook with a camping gas, setting up your tent, climbing hills with a very heavy backpack, spend your whole days with people that you barley know, get wood, set fire to that wood, learning how to go to the bathroom on the mountains, I have never imagined all of that would make me happy for those days.
Spending some days without technology, being able to breathe such a clean air, looking to that wonderful landscapes, all of that helps you clearing your mind and think. It’s a very recommended experience and even if you doubt you should give it a try. Once it’s over you know you have new friends and positivity." María.