Who we are
In 1999, Femxa Formación S.L. started its business trajectory as a training company, setting as its main objective to provide innovative training solutions to growing market needs and to anticipate to future training needs arising in society. Since then it developed consulting work specializing in Value Added training solutions, whose focus is on the development of projects of tailored training, aimed to solve the specific needs of customers more efficiently, which has allowed us to reach a landmark in the field of training. Our reason for being is to build training solutions that provide job opportunities for people and improve the competitiveness of organizations. In 16 years we have trained more than 64.000 unemployed, 40.000 people aged over 45, 15.800 unemployed young people under 30.
Why is FOLM important for your entity?
Grupo Femxa enters this project as an expert in comprehensive training solutions for Spanish NEETS, with proven experience since 1999 in projects related to education and labour insertion of NEETS. We will be part of a pilot experience, developing a novel method that encourages NEETS soft skills, helping them in their labour insertion. For this purpose, we will design a tool to promote the recruitment of these young people and get their involvement in the project. We will assist the Government of Cantabria in all the steps of the project, and we will make the participants feel motivated throughout the whole process with coaches and trainers. This project will help us to know and test the outdoor system, introducing our know-how, to apply it to our training processes in the future.